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Authors: x. zheng, N. Le Thomas
Title: UV photonics integrated circuit for biomolecule detection with SiO2 as a waveguide core on CaF2
Format: International Conference Poster
Publication date: 10/2023
Journal/Conference/Book: Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar
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Optical biomedical sensors are envisioned to improve public health by monitoring body fluids of patients as for instance in intensive care units. They are however still suffering from either high cost or weak detection limits, which hinders them to have a real societal impact. Adopting photonic integrated circuits (PICs) for biosensors can save significant time and resource by realizing compact, scalable and reliable system. Up to now PICs have been developed mainly to operate in the visible, near infrared and mid infrared wavelength ranges leading to detection limits that are still too small. PICs operating in the UV and in particular in the UVC might be a game-changer considering that almost all biological molecules exhibit strong absorption in the UVC. Here we present photonics integrated circuits made of silicon dioxide thin layer on calcium fluoride substrate that are two material compatible with UV light down to a wavelength of 220nm. The optical losses of a single mode propagating in an air-top cladding waveguide are 5dB/cm and 3.5dB/cm at wavelengths of 266nm and 360nm, respectively, for a core waveguide thickness of 500nm and a width of 900 nm.

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