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Authors: G. Roelkens, J. Zhang, L. Bogaert, E. Soltanian, M. Billet, A. Uzun, B. Pan, Y. Liu, E.Delli, D. Wang, V. Bonito-Oliva, T. N. L Tran, X. Guo, H. Li, S. Qin, K. Akritidis, Y.Chen, Y. Xue, M. Niels, D. Maes, M. Kiewiet, T. Reep, T. Vanackere, T. Vandekerckhove, I. Luntadila Lufungula, J. De Witte, L. Reis, S. Poelman, Y. Tan, H. Deng, W. Bogaerts, G. Morthier, D. Van Thourhout, B. Kuyken
Title: Present and future of micro-transfer printing for heterogeneous photonic integrated circuits
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 1/2024
Journal/Conference/Book: Applied Physics Letters - Photonics (invited)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0181099
Citations: 3 ( - last update: 7/7/2024)
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