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Authors: G. Morthier
Title: Feedback sensitivity of DBR-type laser diodes
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 8/2021
Journal/Conference/Book: IEEE Photonics Journal
Editor/Publisher: IEEE, 
Volume(Issue): 13(4) p.paper 1500205 (5 pages)
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2021.3091851
Citations: 7 ( - last update: 29/9/2024)
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It is shown theoretically that the feedback sensitivity
of Distributed Bragg Reflector laser diodes with low-loss Bragg section decreases with the length of the Bragg section and also can be decreased by detuning from the Bragg peak. The effect of detuning is not only due to a change in effective linewidth enhancement factor, but also due to a change of the effective cavity length. The results can be applied also to laser diodes coupled on one side to one or more ring resonators Such lasers can have very weak feedback sensitivity.

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