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Authors: M. Smit, X. Leijtens, H. Ambrosius, E. Bente, J. van der Tol, B. Smalbrugge, T. de Vries, E.J. Geluk, J. Bolk, R. van Veldhoven, L. Augustin, P. Thijs, D. Dagostino, H. Rabbani, K. Lawniczuk, S. Stoplonski, S. Tahvili, A. Corradi, E. Kleijn, D. Dzibrou, M. Felicetti, E. Bitincka, V. Moskalemko, J. Zhao, R. Santos, G. Gilardi, W. Yao, K. Williams, P. Stabile, P. Kuindersma, J. Pello, S. Bhat, Y. Jiao, D. Heiss, G. Roelkens, M. Wale, P. Firth, F. Soares, N. Grote, M. Schell, H. Debregeas, M. Achouche, J.L. Gentner, A. Bakker, T. Korthorst, D. Gallagher, A. Dabbs, A. Melloni, F. Morichetti, D. Melati, A. Wonfor, R. Penty, R. Broeke, B. Musk, D. Robbins
Title: An introduction to inp-based generic integration technology
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 6/2014
Journal/Conference/Book: Semiconductor Science and Technology
Volume(Issue): 29(8) p.article 083001 (41pp)
DOI: 10.1088/0268-1242/29/8/083001
Citations: 461 ( - last update: 7/7/2024)
389 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2024)
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