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Authors: J. Van Campenhout, P. Rojo-Romeo, D. Van Thourhout, C. Seassal, P. Regreny, L. Di Cioccio, J. M. Fedeli, R. Baets
Title: Electrically Injected InGaAsP Microdisk Lasers Heterogeneously Integrated on a Si-wafer
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 9/2006
Journal/Conference/Book: International Semiconductor Laser Conference
Volume(Issue): p.133-134
Location: United States
DOI: 10.1109/islc.2006.1708122
Citations: 3 ( - last update: 29/9/2024)
1 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2024)
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We report on electrically pumped lasing in microdisk cavities etched in a thin InP-based membrane directly
bonded on top of a silicon wafer. The microdisks were planarized by means of a benzocyclobutene (BCB) layer, into which contact windows were etched to perform current injection. The top metal contact is placed only in the centre of the disk, whereas the
bottom contacting is done by means of a thin lateral InP contacting layer. In order to avoid large optical absorption in ptype contact layers, a tunnel junction was used in combination with two n-type contacts. Lasing was observed in pulsed regime at room temperature with current thresholds in the range 0.55 – 1.1mA, for microdisks with a diameter in the range 6 – 9um.

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